Thursday, February 28, 2013

knit parade: the boy's spring hat

i love the purl bee. i want to make everything they showcase on that blog the very second a new project is up. and i want to buy out their entire store. obviously, if i set out to do either of these things, i'd get nothing else done in my life and i wouldn't have any money. 

anyway, not long ago the boy was looking over my shoulder when i was salivating over one of their newest projects, soft and sweet baby hats.

src:the purlbee

and he asked me to make him one. the one with the anchor on it. without the pompom.

i swooned. and then i cast on. i finished. 

success! he loves the hat and wears it all the time (anchor on the side) - without, may i add, bribing, begging, or any other form of coercion from me! quite the accomplishment.
be still my beating heart.


  1. oh be still my heart I love Purl Bee... I used to frequent that place when I lived in NY. The site equally amazing. That beanie is too adorable on him.
    Now I feel like scouting that site....again.

    1. OH MAN, i wish i could go there and visit! you'd prolly have to forcibly remove me from the premises, though!

      thanks for the compliments about the beanie! xo
