Monday, October 29, 2012

favourite things: cardboard, tape, and scissors

inspired by a birthday party we just got back from, the boy wanted me to help him make a shield.

the happy consequence: quiet creative time with my boy (the girl was napping. she's awesome like that). the moment lasted at least two hours as he explored the materials we used. oh happy day!

i have no idea what he was doing to his orca. but he tells me that he was "doctoring it."

the rain is pelting harder than usual here. but the weather is mild and there is no wind. 

my thoughts are to the east where a monster of a storm has already begun to wreak havoc. here's hoping the experience and aftermath isn't as bad as anticipated. and if it is, that comfort and help find their way to all affected, faster than humanly possible.

keep safe and warm east coasters. 

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